Biospecimen procurement is integral to advancing biomedical research and driving innovation within the healthcare industry. It involves sourcing and supplying high-quality human tissue, biofluids, and other biological samples to research and healthcare organizations. 

Although obtaining biospecimens is essential for research processes, there are various challenges to remember. Different obstacles in biospecimen procurement, such as ethics, quality control, and costs, can disrupt the research process and affect overall outcomes. 

With a diverse and global network of sample providers, researchers can streamline the procurement process and access the biospecimens needed to support their projects. \

What Are the Challenges of Biospecimen Procurement?

As the demand for high-quality biospecimens grows, organizations must carefully consider their procurement strategies and work with reputable providers to ensure they can meet the stringent requirements of the scientific community. 

However, there are challenges that may arise during the procurement process. 

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations remain at the forefront of biospecimen procurement. Donor autonomy, confidentiality, and informed consent are some of the key issues that must be addressed. To acknowledge ethics, researchers and healthcare organizations should follow guidelines and best practices to uphold high ethical standards.

Informed consent involves providing information about the potential use of the sample, details about storage, and any possible risks associated with its collection. Donors should be well-informed so they can make their own decisions about the use of their biospecimens in research.

Another critical aspect of ethical biospecimen procurement is maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of donor information. Proper data handling measures, such as anonymization and coding, help protect the identity of individuals providing samples. This ensures that their personal information remains confidential and the data is only used for its intended purpose.

Promoting equity and diversity in biospecimen collections is also important. Biobanks and research organizations should work with diverse populations to promote a more comprehensive understanding of health issues affecting all demographics. This approach helps to reduce disparities in research outcomes and decrease inequities in health care.

Quality Control Obstacles

Researchers may often encounter obstacles to maintaining optimal quality in the procurement process. One problem is that there’s no consistent way to prepare samples for testing, which can alter the accuracy of the results that come later. Identifying evidence-based biospecimen quality-control tools may help with overcoming this issue.

Another hurdle is the need to balance quality with cost. Procuring biospecimens of the highest quality can be expensive, and researchers must sometimes choose between quality and cost-effectiveness. For instance, obtaining larger volumes of plasma from donors can be difficult and costly but necessary for specific research projects.

Storage and preservation methods also play a significant role in maintaining biospecimen quality. 

Using improper or inconsistent storage techniques, such as inconsistent temperature control, can compromise the integrity of these biological samples. Biospecimen collection, processing, management, and distribution should be carried out within a QMS, including documented quality assurance and written standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Availability and Diversity Challenges

Other important challenges with biospecimen procurement involve the availability and diversity of samples, which can be challenging due to several factors.

In some cases, there is limited access to a diverse range of samples. Research projects often require biospecimens from specific patient populations or disease conditions, making it hard to find suitable donors. A lack of centralized platforms for researchers to access a broad range of samples can further hinder the process. 

In addition to these challenges, financial concerns may affect the availability of biospecimens. Procuring diverse samples can be costly due to the need for specialized storage and transportation facilities. The focus on financial stability and the allocation of resources thus plays a crucial role in overcoming procurement barriers.

Another factor that affects the quality of outcomes with diverse biological samples is making sure they are consistent and reliable. This is really important for making sure research results are valid. To help with this, researchers should have standardized ways of getting samples and adequate quality control measures.

Problems with Costs and Resources

Biospecimen procurement also comes with challenges in terms of costs and resource allocation. One of the key factors involved with cost-related problems is the lack of proper training for personnel involved in collecting specimens. Poor training in standard practices and specific study requirements can waste years of work and increase costs, as research organizations then need to spend time and resources fixing the problems.

Another major hurdle is that obtaining biological samples can be difficult due to the unique path that samples take from donation to analysis in the lab. This variability causes problems like inconsistent quality, poor documentation, or ethical issues. These issues can increase costs and require more resources to fix.

Resource constraints also present a challenge, especially for smaller organizations or facilities that may have limited funding for biospecimen procurement. 

Due to tight budgets, there could be a lack of adequate staffing or infrastructure necessary for the proper acquisition, storage, and management of biospecimens. This can compromise the quality of the samples and, ultimately, the research outcomes.

Technical and Logistical Challenges

Biospecimen procurement processes often lack technological advancements that allow for efficient and cost-effective workflows. For example, outdated systems for tracking and managing samples can lead to delays or errors in data integration, resulting in the need for additional resources to resolve these issues. 

Another challenge is the storage and handling of biospecimens. Properly preserving samples and maintaining the integrity of their molecules are vital for reliable and accurate research results. This requires specialized equipment, protocols, and expertise to handle biospecimens effectively.

Since biospecimens are often sourced from a diverse and global network of healthcare partners, procurement can sometimes involve dealing with international regulations and shipping logistics, making the process more complex.

In addition to these challenges, clear communication and seamless coordination between researchers, procurement agencies, and suppliers is required. This is especially important in coordinating prospective collections of samples and handling time-sensitive biospecimens. Any delays or miscommunications can affect the success of a research project.

Legal and Regulatory Issues

During biospecimen procurement, research and healthcare organizations must consider a myriad of legal and regulatory issues that may arise during the process. One of the key aspects in this area is ensuring compliance with relevant federal, state, and local laws surrounding the collection, storage, dissemination, and use of biospecimens for research purposes.

Another important legal consideration is the transfer of biospecimens between parties. 

Proper Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) should be established when sharing or transferring biospecimens and associated data for proper handling and adherence to usage terms. MTAs help lower the risk of disputes or litigation and clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.

Biospecimen organizations need clear policies and guidelines for sample and data access, which should be scientifically valuable and ethically responsible. An independent review board should be involved in the approval process for safeguarding valuable research resources, ensuring that requests for access align with the goals of promoting scientific progress while maintaining the highest ethical standards.

Data Management and Sharing Challenges

Protecting sensitive information, such as patient demographics and medical histories, is paramount in biospecimen procurement. Robust data security measures, including encryption and access control mechanisms, should be applied to data management processes to safeguard privacy and comply with regulatory guidelines.

Data sharing is essential for driving scientific knowledge and promoting collaboration. However, data sharing can be impeded by legal, ethical, and logistical barriers. Organizations should aim to develop data-sharing policies and platforms that balance openness with the protection of intellectual property rights and patient privacy.

As the volume of biospecimen data continues to increase exponentially, managing and storing this vast amount of information becomes a difficult challenge. Researchers and institutions must invest in scalable, efficient, and cost-effective data storage solutions that can accommodate the growing needs of the scientific community. 

Additionally, adopting cloud-based storage solutions and implementing robust data backup and recovery strategies can help ensure data longevity and accessibility. By addressing storage and scalability issues, the research community can optimize data management processes, allowing for faster and more reliable access to valuable biospecimen data and ultimately speeding up the pace of scientific discoveries.

Addressing Biospecimen Procurement Challenges

Addressing various challenges, such as cost and resource allocations, requires a multifaceted approach. Research organizations and healthcare facilities should look toward companies that invest in proper training programs, adopt technological tools, and direct resources toward ethical and transparent procurement processes. 

This not only helps in ensuring the quality of research outcomes but also leads to more reliable research and cost-effective procurement. 

Outsourcing biospecimen procurement to experienced partners can provide significant benefits, including access to a vast range of disease areas, donor populations, and processing techniques. Using a service from a biospecimen provider can ultimately help support research efforts in a cost-effective way.

iProcess Offers High-quality Biospecimens for Your Research Needs

iProcess is a leading international provider of biospecimens to a variety of organizations, such as those conducting clinical trials and working in research, diagnostic, and pharmaceutical fields. iProcess provides high-quality biospecimens, which can enhance research and support smooth clinical testing. 

For further details or a quote, contact iProcess.


Ethical Challenges in the Use of Biospecimens | NIH

Identification of Evidence-Based Biospecimen Quality-Control Tools | PubMed

Quality Management | NIH

Ethical, Legal, and Policy Best Practices | NIH

Eight Practices for Data Management To Enable Team Data Science | PubMed